I have generate a rss feed from my php script and tried to implement it on mailchimp but xml file was not valid I did not get how I can see what is wrong in this file I tried many solutions but in that rss file only 3 items was working fine but when I enter more item it get invalid file. So I was infix and did not know what to do for the time being I set my script to generate only 3 items rss. So keep googling to find solution altlast I found a site which solve my problem. Because this site figure out the problem of my rss feed.

The Site is feedvalidator I am happy that I found this site and thought to share this site on my blog that it can help me in future and also to visitors of my site.

You have to get the url of xml file or the php file which generate the rss like http://www.sitename.com/generaterss.php or http://www.sitename.com/ourfeed.xml to the text box in the page and then click on Validate you will see the errors if there are any and also line number is mentioned.

So it is very simple to validate your file from feedvalidator.org and other wise there is will be big time wastage on finding the errors in the rss feed. So I hope this will be good sharing with all of you. 🙂

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